Disaster of Meat Consumption

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), commissioned by Minister Cramer of the Environment run a study of consumption of energy and food much more efficiently.

The meat consumption imposes a significant drain on the global agricultural land. Some 80 percent of which is used for only 15 percent of the calories in our food production. Especially cattle are relatively inefficient food factories.

A switch to a daily diet of 10 grams of beef, pork 10 grams, 47 grams and 23 grams of chicken eggs and fish would need to land in half.

Also, this diet 20 to 30 percent of the GHG reductions necessary to bring the global warming be limited to 2 degrees. It is the first time that these estimates lead to a policy recommendation.

That the (rich) man can not escape behavior changes to the earth to keep viable, says UN climate negotiator Yvo de Boer. "You must ask fundamental questions about our consumption."

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